Division Sorting Improvements

Division Sorting Improvements

Division Sorting Improvements

6th January, 2023

Quick summary: We have improved our competition points system to ensure that promotions and relegations from a division are more accurate. Competition points will now be added or removed from your Spin Rating to give a ‘Competition Rating’ which will be used to sort players into divisions the following season. For a more detailed explanation, please read on!

It was very exciting to see our recently rolled out Spin Rating in action during the Autumn 2022 seasons and so far the results have been very positive!

We have, however, identified two important changes that we have decided to make to the original announcement on how the Spin Rating is used when sorting divisions.

1. Competition Rating

We initially announced that division winners would get awarded 100 'Competition' points and the runner up 75 'Competition' points that would be temporarily added to their Spin League Rating so they could be in a higher position when players were sorted by rating the following season.

However, after seeing the Spin Rating in action and hearing from our players, we realised this fixed points allocation system, could potentially under-reward division winners who would expect to move up after winning their divisions.

Starting from Winter 2023, the winners and losers from their division last season, will be assigned Competition points which together with their Spin Rating creates a ‘Competition Rating’ which will be used to sort divisions the following season.

Division Winner and Runner-up

Competition points will be won as follows:

  1. The lowest value between
    1. The difference between the division’s highest Spin Rating and the player’s Spin Rating.
    2. 200 points.
  2. Plus an additional 50 points for the division winner and an additional 25 points for the runner-up.

(The reason the lowest number between a. and b. is chosen is to ensure that in case the highest Spin rating in the division is too high, the division winners do not get over-rewarded)

These Competition Points will then be added to the player’s Spin Rating to determine their Competition Rating.

The maximum number of competition points that can be awarded is 250 pts for the winner and 225 pts for the runner-up.


Division Winner’s Spin Rating: 3330 Highest Spin Rating in the division: 3440 Competition Points: Lowest value between 110 (3440 - 3330) and 200 = 110 pts, plus 50 pts for division winner = 160 points Division Winner’s Competition Rating: 3330 + 160 = 3490

Last and second to last

Competition points will be lost as follows:

  1. The highest value between these negative values:
    1. The difference between the division’s lowest Spin Rating and the player’s Spin Rating.
    2. -200 pts.
  2. Minus an extra 50 pts for the last player and minus an extra 25 pts for the second to last.

(The reason the highest number between a. and b. is chosen is to ensure that in case the lowest rating in the division is too low, players will not get over-penalised).

These Competition Points will then be subtracted from the player’s Spin Rating to determine their Competition Rating.

The maximum number of competition points that can be deducted is 250 pts for the last position and 225 pts for the second to last.


Last position’s Spin Rating: 2516 Lowest Spin Rating in the division: 2340 Competition Points: Highest value between -176 (2340 - 2516) and -200 pts = -176 pts, minus 50 pts for last place = -226 points Last position’s Competition Rating: 2516 - 226 = 2290

Remaining players

For the rest of the players in a division (those who didn’t finish in the top two or bottom two), no competition points will be added or removed, and their latest Spin Rating will be used as their Competition Rating for division sorting the next season.

Full Division Example

Below are the results of an actual division in a Spin League at the end of the season:

Spin Rating
Player 1
Player 2
Player 3
Player 4
Player 5
Player 6
Player 7

After applying the system described above, allocation would look like this for the next season:

Spin Rating
Competition Points
Competition Rating
Player 1
MIN(3339 - 3197, 200) + 50
3197 + 192 = 3389
Player 2
MIN(3339 - 3231, 200) + 25
3231 + 133 = 3364
Player 3
Player 4
Player 5
Player 6
MAX(3105 - 3105, -200) - 25
3105 - 25 = 3080
Player 7
MAX(3105 - 3150, -200) - 50
3150 - 95 = 3055

With this full example it’s easier to identify what this new system is able to accomplish compared to a fixed 100 pts for the winner, 75 pts for runner-up rule.

With a fixed points system, Player 1 with a Spin Rating of 3197, who won the division, is not guaranteed a promotion ahead of Player 3 who has a Spin Rating of 3339. Instead, Player 3 would be promoted on top of Player 1 and 2. This is getting into “Hey, you folks made a mistake!” territory so we needed to address it 🙂.

The new system instead ensures Player 1 and 2 get promoted over Player 3 by assigning the necessary competition points for a promotion/relegation relative to the other players in their division. This guarantees that Player 1 will be on top of Player 2 and Player 3 with a competition rating of 3389.

Conversely we see the same behaviour for the players who finished last in the division. With a fixed points system, it’s not guaranteed that Player 7 (who finished last) will be relegated. Instead Player 5 and 6 will end up relegated while Player 7 would end up on top.

The new system addresses this as well by fairly relegating both Players 6 and 7.

2. Skipping seasons

Previously we announced skipping seasons would result in a loss of 25 competition points for every season skipped. Our data however, now shows that 25 points is not significant enough and could even end up rewarding skipping seasons. This wouldn’t be fair to those players who make an effort to play every season so we are increasing the penalty to 50 competition points per season skipped with a maximum of 200 competition points to be lost (4 consecutive seasons or more).

As always, if you have any questions please contact us at support@spintennisapp.com and we’ll be happy to clarify anything further.

Cheers and good luck!

The Spin Team
